Sydney's DAC Fundraiser

My name is Sydney. I am 17 years old. I am a college student that loves to dance. I began dancing when I was just 2 years old. It all started thanks to my mom that signed me up for ballet class in New York. I went to Warsztatowa Akademia Musicalowa in Warsaw Poland for several years. I performed on some of the biggest stages in Europe. I have gotten to perform bunches of solos and group dances. Now that I am in college I have taken my time to branch out and start dancing on my own.

I want to support DAC because my family and I have had many experiences with cancer. I know that even the smallest of inspiration and help goes a long way.

Thank you for your support!!!

$0 of $500 goal

0% Complete

Raised by 0 people since 3/17/2023

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